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Capital One 360 Savings Account


What is 360 Savings
360 Savings has no fees, no minimums and no catches. Your money will earn much more than what it would in an average savings or money market account and all deposits are FDIC insured up to $250,000 per depositor.

Automatic Savings Plan
Choose the Automatic Savings Plan and maximize your savings by having a fixed amount of money regularly transferred from a linked checking account to your Capital One 360 Savings Account. Set a goal for each savings account, change it any time you want and watch your progress. You’ll be there in no time.

Open Multiple Accounts
Open multiple accounts (up to 25) and nickname each and every one. Multiple accounts can help you stash cash in an education fund for you or the kids? Or a down payment for a home? Up to 25 savings accounts can be open for free and give them fun nicknames to help keep track.

Deposit Checks from Anywhere
With CheckMateSM you can drop money right into your 360 Savings anywhere using your mobile device or computer. Set up Direct Deposit from your employer in a snap. Or, use the old fashion method of mailing in your deposits. With Capital One 360, deposits are made easy.

Consumers can open a Capital One Savings Account without having to worry about a ChexSystems report being pulled. To open an account you must be a US citizen or permanent resident with a valid Social Security number, have a home address in the United States and a personal (non-business) checking account at another U.S. chartered bank. In a few easy steps you can open your account online.

Highlights of the Capital One 360 Savings Account

  • No fees, no minimums, earn interest: Max out your savings with a variable 0.19% Annual Percentage Yield (effective 10/17/2013). Plus, 360 Savings is linked to your current checking.
  • You’ll be stashing it away: Open multiple accounts (and nickname them), track great saves with My Savings Goals and put your savings on auto-pilot with an Automatic Savings Plan
  • Deposits are FDIC–insured up to $250,000 per depositor.
  • Join millions of Savers already living the money-in-the-bank life.
