Every state has down payment or homeownership assistance programs; some states have both. The programs are designed to provide affordable housing opportunities to homebuyers who might not ordinarily be able to afford a house.
Each program can have their own income and eligibility requirements but primarily the programs are available for first-time homebuyers or low-income families.
Keep in mind if you had no ownership in a principal residence in the previous 3 years, you are also considered a first-time homebuyer even if you owned a home prior to that 3-year period.
The programs are not usually administered directly through the State. Instead, they are nonprofit based and handled through a third party agency. The list below will start you on your search but be sure to confirm the program is currently available.
(Source: HUD.gov)
Statewide and Regional Programs
HUD-approved housing counseling agencies
Florida Association for Community Action – local agencies provide low-income emergency home repair (LEHRP) and weatherization assistance (WAP). Select those programs under their Quick Directory Links for help.
Florida Department of Community Affairs funding goes to local agencies to help homeowners and renters
Florida Housing Finance Corporation – call (800) 814-HOME (4663) for info on first-time homebuyer programs, lower interest rate loans and purchase assistance
Habitat for Humanity – home construction using sweat equity, assisted financing
HUD’s Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) recipients may offer homebuyer assistance in your area
HUD’s HOME Investment Partnership Program provides funding to local agencies to help you purchase or repair your home
State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program
USDA Rural Housing Service – direct loans and grants for building, purchasing or repairing
Local Sources by County