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Idaho Down Payment and Homeownership Assistance

Every state has down payment or homeownership assistance programs; some states have both. The programs are designed to provide affordable housing opportunities to homebuyers who might not ordinarily be able to afford a house.

Each program can have their own income and eligibility requirements but primarily the programs are available for first-time homebuyers or low-income families.

Keep in mind if you had no ownership in a principal residence in the previous 3 years, you are also considered a first-time homebuyer even if you owned a home prior to that 3-year period.

The programs are not usually administered directly through the State. Instead, they are nonprofit based and handled through a third party agency. The list below will start you on your search but be sure to confirm the program is currently available.


Blaine County Housing Authority – affordable homeownership opportunities in Blaine County

City of Boise – an opportunity for low/mod income persons/families to purchase a home in the Boise City Limits

City of Nampa – transforming foreclosed properties into community assets

Community contacts – find out if your community offers HUD assisted down payment or closing cost help

Eastern Idaho Community Action Partnership – limited income families helping each other build their homes

Habitat for Humanity – through volunteer labor, builds and rehabilitates houses for families in need

Homeownership vouchers – some public housing agencies help you become a homeowner through the Housing Choice Voucher Homeownership Program

Boise City/Ada County Housing Authority
Pocatello Housing Authority
Southwestern Idaho Cooperative Housing Authority (208) 467-7461

Idaho Development and Housing Organization – Mutual Self-help and Self-help Home Ownership Programs in Region 3 (Adams, Boise, Canyon, Elmore, Gem, Owyhee, Payette, Valley, and Washington Counties)

Idaho Housing and Finance Association – homebuyer programs, including down payment and closing cost assistance

Neighborhood Housing Services – low-interest mortgage products statewide to help low and moderate-income families purchase or rehabilitate homes

North Idaho Housing Coalition – purchases foreclosed houses, renovates them as needed, and then offers them for sale to qualified buyers below appraised value

Pocatello Neighborhood Housing Services – PNHS builds affordable housing and rehabilitates homes for resale

Southeastern Idaho Community Action Agency – neighbors helping neighbors build

USDA Rural Development – homebuyer programs in rural communities