Prosper personal loans provide the cash you need with fixed monthly payments that you can afford and no prepayment penalties. But getting a prosper loan involves creating a successful loan listing. Your goal is to convince lenders you can repay the loan and that you are a good risk.
LendingTree Loans are not like conventional lending. It’s a great alternative to traditional lenders because Proper’s members invest together to get you the money you need. Your loan has a better chance of getting approved as it can come from many sources.
Once your loan is approved it is packaged into one loan where you make affordable monthly payments. All borrower loans are fixed rate, unsecured, 4-year, fully amortizing with simple interest. Rates start at 6.73% for borrowers with excellent credit. But all credit types are welcome to apply for a LendingTree Loan, even consumers with bad credit. Checking your rate will not affect your credit score.
Prosper offers loans from $2,500 to $35,000, it is America’s leading peer-to-peer lending marketplace, connecting borrowers with individual lenders. Prosper takes a fast and friendly approach in providing loans to borrowers. They make online lending easy.
Highlights of Prosper Personal Loans
You can use a personal loan from Prosper for a wide range of purposes, including:
- Bill consolidation
- Home improvements
- Vacations
- Emergency or unexpected expenses
- College tuition expenses
- Major purchases